since everyone is cutting corners and trying to scrimp and save in these absolutely trying financial times, long weekend style has some tips on how to make the most of those beauty products in your medicine cabinet . . .
- to get every last drop out of tube containers (you know the kind:toothpaste style but smaller, for items like zit cream, concealer, lip gloss, that kind of thing) cut off the flat end with scissors and use a cotton swab to extract that last bit of beauty goodness within. place the open tube in a ziploc bag to avoid the remaining product from drying out. this should allow you to squeeze at least another week's worth of product before having to invest in a brand new tube.
- save those foaming soap dispensers and make your own frothy hand soap by mixing 3 parts water to 1 part hand soap, stretching your refill bottle by a factor of 3 at least.
- turn shampoo, conditioner, lotion, dish soap or detergent bottles upside down, spout first into a cup or glass overnight to completely empty contents and voila! you may not need to go out right now for that shampoo/conditioner/lotion/dish soap/laundry detergent.
- make a colored lip balm from your favorite tube of lipstick by scraping out the nub and mixing it with vaseline in a small glass bowl then heating for 20 seconds in the microwave. the result can be poured into one of those little travel size pots.
- make your own scrub using baby oil or any other scented body oil with sea salt.
- multi use products - long weekend style loves it some products that do double, even triple duty. like MAC blushcreme or stila convertible color - blush, lip color, even eye shadow in a pinch and in one convenient totable compact. shea butter products are great moisturizers - for both dry skin, rough cuticles and parched hair. alot of shampoos are teaming up with conditioners to make a one-stop product that both cleans and conditions - great for the small real estate in one's shower plus this means less bottles ending up in already crowded landfills.
hopefully, better times are just around the bend, long weekend stylers. until then, we're just gonna have to get creative and stretch those dollars.
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