Thursday, March 4, 2010

and the MVP award goes to . . . baby wipes

drumroll, please . . . the most valuable player award goes to the unsung hero of cleanliness: baby wipes.

yes, you read right. baby wipes.

baby wipes ROCK. no bones about it. really. whether they be the thick-as-towels huggies or in bulk from costco, baby wipes are an indespensible part of making everyday life a little cleaner. plus, you can find them just about anywhere. even in a foreign country, because where there's babies, there are baby wipes. and there are babies all over the globe. and they're so darned conveniently packaged these days (baby wipes, not babies themselves) making the transport of baby wipes e-zee peezeee. we only wish there was a giant baby wipe that could have helped in the exxon-valdez oil spill in the '90's.

so to reiterate: baby wipes, not only for baby's wittle bottom but more, so much MORE!

here are a few of the countless ways baby wipes have brightened and cleaned up our day:

- removed all traces of the dreaded dorito or cheeto fingers after bag binge
- wiped off a whole face of make-up in one fell swoop
- got rid of the junk in your trunk (AKA gig butt to you musicians)
- cleaned feet on a flip flop wearin' day
- post workout wipedown, if you forgot your towel
- general face/hand wipedown, especially for the under 5's
- general hand wipedown for the over 5's
- a must bring to rest stop bathroom
- helped soak up that salsa spill that your shirt had for lunch
- wipe off muddy or beachy sand doggy paws
- made history of the bbq sauce that your face and hands are smothered in from those lip smackin' louisana short ribs
- quick clean make-up brushes or paint brushes
- soda spill alert on car's leather seats!

whatever the case or mishap, never fear, baby wipes will be there.

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