Friday, June 4, 2010

it's P-O-C-K-Y!!!

while it sounds more like some bizarre condition one would contract in a foreign country, pocky is actually a delicious japanese treat.

made by glico, the original and by far, most favorite pocky flavor is the chocolate cream (which is milk chocolate for all the choco conoissuers out there).

well, what, long weekend style, exactly is pocky that you speak of?

it's a crisp, biscuit consistency cookie about the size of a #2 pencil. approximately 3/4 of it has been dipped in chocolate. a 1" section has been left intentionally non-choco-coated so that one can enjoy pocky without the messy transfer of chocolate to one or all 5 fingers.
pocky are quite addictive and one can eat an entire packet of pocky (there are about 20 pocky sticks in eack packet) without realizing it.
pocky is also available with strawberry instead of chocolate, chocolate with almonds and our favorite, "mens" which is dark chocolate. apparently godzilla must be a fan of pocky because glico also makes giant pocky which is the same as the original but just sized for hands that could smash the chrysler building or all of tokyo.
pocky is available at japanese markets, like mitsuwa, nationwide or online through and retails for $1.99 for the 2 pack pictured above.
get wild, get pocky people!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

get her to the rodeo!

nope, no joke. no typo. you read right:

get this girl to the rodeo!

please help this very talented singer and friend of long weekend style, stephanie quayle, realize her lifelong dream of performing at the college nationals finals rodeo in casper, wyoming.

LWS was in the process of writing an entry about stephanie, her music and her mad song writing skillz when we received her proposal through the kickstart foundation (more info on kickstart coming later folks) to help her raise funds to get herself and the band out to the cnfr. stephanie is a country music dynamo with an amazing voice, who writes all her own songs, plays guitar and is just an all around awesome girl. we met stephanie a few years back when she was just getting started and since then, have constantly been awed and inspired by her growth as an artist

so here's the scoopy-scoop: stephanie and her band were slated to debut "rodeo life" as well as our country's national anthem at the first ever cnfr concert, scheduled for this sunday june 12th. due to last minute, unforseen circumstances, the financial sponsorship that was to get stephanie and her band to casper has fallen through, leaving the entire band to foot the bill to get themselves to casper, wyoming for the performance and back.

now, the promised info about kickstart: works under a really simple yet absolutely brilliant premise: an artist submits a proposal (to record an album, to design a fashion collection, paint a series of paintings for a gallery show, you name it) and sets the monetary amount that will allow the artist to reach his/her goal. anyone and everyone can become a "backer" and pledge an amount to donate (the minimum is $5) to the cause BUT your donation will only be collected IF the entire amount requested by the artist is reached. is the link that will take you directly to stephanie's page where she has so kindly provided more information about her life and mission statement about her dedication to music.

we so know times are tough and even if you aren't a country music fan, if you can donate just $5 to the cause - every little bit helps. it really does.

on behalf of stephanie and the band, long weekend style says thank you for your support!

dat new "new"

long weekend style likey this one from kid cudi, titled dat new "new" . . . not sure why it hits us right there but we find we have it on repeat throughout the day

parental advisory: this song contains what would be considered strong language or just plain out cursing, so you probably want to save this one for the after 9 listening set. or just tell the kids "earmuffs" . . .