the folks over at All Spice Cafe have struck with another fiery hotness lightning bolt AGAIN - this time with a jam filled with the spicy goodness of the . . . "Ghost" Pepper.
the first jam on their roster of already stellar hot sauces, All Spice Cafe proudly and yummily introduces Jolokiberry Jam - a tantalizing just-right marriage of the strawberry with the famed Bhut Jolokia Pepper, AKA the "Ghost" Pepper. with a little balsamic vinegar thrown in to really get things going.
fresh, sweet strawberry jam goodness finishes with the heat of the "Ghost" Pepper and can be modified by adding more or less jam to whatever food item you happen to be loading up that particular moment.
the LWS staff tried english muffins with the All Spice Cafe JolokiBerry Jam and after experiencing the first bite, we could not get the toaster to toast our english muffins fast enough. so so unbelieveably good. with a pat of butter (we go all out here longweekendstylers, no margarine for these palates) and a not-too-heaping spoonful of JolokiBerry Jam spread evenly atop a freshly toasted muffin is sheer heaven. english muffins will never ever be the same in our opinion.
next, we made PB and J sammies substiting the usual Smuckers grape jelly with All Spice Cafe JolokiBerry Jam and made the tried-and-true lunchtime fav a spicy standout that is best paired with a tall, cold glass of milk. not for the faint-of-tastebuds but oh-so amazing! again, the hot factor can be modified to your personal hotness level by piling on more or less jam. or more peanut butter to combat the heat if you want to go that way.
so, we have secured puff pastry, some ricotta cheese and of course more All Spice Cafe JolokiBerry Jam for our next culinary experiment. we'll let you know how that one turns out and try to take pictures of the finished project before all efforts go into the bellies of the longweekendstyle staff.
All Spice Cafe JolokiBerry Jam is available online at the All Spice Cafe website: and is currently only available at a few, select locations in the los angeles area (1. surfa's chef's paradise and 2. the conservatory for coffee, tea and cocoa - both located in culver city, california). hopefully jam representation will hopefully expand once the hot, spicy populace gets a taste of the deliciousness that's in the jar and starts requesting it be on their local store's shelves.
$8.99 for a 8.5 oz jar of All Spice Cafe JolokiBerry Jam.
get some! your tastebuds will thank you. profusely.