it appears that shower gels have eclipsed old school soaps in popularity among the bathing populace these days and the nectar agave body from thymes wash could very well be one of the reasons that there has been a downturn in bar soap loyalty.
this delicious, wish-your-nose-could-live-in-here, agave nectar body wash from the thymes people transports you to a tropical paradise far, far away from the everyday humdrum doldrums.
the agave nectar body wash also lathers up quite nicely, providing luxuriously decadent bubbles when combined with those japanese mesh bath sponges or cloths, leaving behind the perfect trace of a scented island oasis on one's epidermis. thymes agave nectar is also non drying - very important when everyone's got the heater on full blast to keep the season's cold weather at bay.
and the thymes people have, in the eternal words of madness - the 80's british ska band, gone one step beyond and have an entire bounty of nectar agave products to fulfill every bathing need or scent emergency that may crop up - candles, room spray, hand lotion, kitchen soap and more.
so bring home the goodness, check out all the agave nectar offerings here: www.thymes.com/Collection.aspx?nodeid=67177
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