ok, what's with this weather? it's been so mercurial; gloomy, sunless days are usually reserved for the month of june but, probably because of global warming, we now have gray may. sigh.
and so it goes, one day hot, one day cold and back again maybe with a day of rain thrown in to really mix things up, the uncertainty of how to dress for the day comes into play by either being dressed to warmly or not having enough to keep you warm.
dressing in layers is a good suggestion but your body's internal core is thrown into turmoil and before you know it, you are asking yourself, am i getting sick? was that sneeze something i should be concerned about? hmmmmm . . .
if you feel a little something coming on but aren't really sure if illness is lurking around the corner, put on a pot of water on the stove and bring to a gentle rolling boil. once this is accomplished, turn off burner and add 2-4 drops of essential lavender oil (available at most nutrition stores or whole foods) to the now hot pot of water. stand over and inhale deeply. lavender is a natural antibacterial thus killing off 99.98% of any viral nastiness that may be hiding out in your nasal passages, waiting to strike. in addition, you'll also score a nice steaming facial that will plump up your outer epidermis - making skin appear full and luscious. lastly, the vapors from the boiling water will also help moisten nasal membranes, hopefully restoring the delicate nasal balance and informing those membranes that 'no thanks, no more mucus is needed, we got it covered, so back to regular mucus production schedule, thanks again'.
stay healthy, long weekend stylers!
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