recently back from a stint in bristol, england where this awesome lippy was uncovered in the local tesco extra, a large (for the UK that is) costco-esque type grocery/clothing/housewares/cafe shopping extravaganza off the M4.
rosy lips by vaseline imparts a perfectly sheer pink tint that seems to compliment all skin tones as well as having the most amazing moisturizing properties and a delicate rose smell. several pots were recently smuggled back in a long weekend style staff member's suitcase and given to various friends here in the states, all who claim it is now their fav lip product. ever.
so now the bad news. sadly, dear long weekend style readers, rosy lips by vaseline is only available in the UK or through amazon.co.uk, which will only send you stuff if you are IN the UK. OR if you have friends traveling across the pond, perhaps those friends would be willing to act as rosy lips mules and ferret some pots back to you. averaging 1.43# (approximately $2.50) at stores like boots or tesco, rosy lips by vaseline is an awesome deal!
some UK long weekend fans are coming to the states in march and we have requested they bring us a few rosy lips pots to distribute to a few lucky long weekend readers. stay tuned and maybe you'll score one for yourself!
it IS delightful!