okay, longweekendstylers, it's hot outside.
like really hot.
in some locales, really, really, really hellfires hot.
and nothing bugs more than skin irritation in hot weather. so you gotta moisturize up or risk yyour skin looking like something is trying to escape from within you.. let us introduce you to NOW solutions 100% natural shea butter.
NOW solutions 100% shea butter comes housed in a big ol' 7 oz tub, is non-scented and melts like butter. it is an absolute skin saver in hot and the cold months ahead, if we ever experience cold weather again (thanks global warming). brought to our attention by a LWS operative who is currently knocked up in her almost-7th month, this stuff really does the trick from moisturizing cracked heels (it IS high flip-flop season and nothing, i mean nothing evokes that ewww-gross response more than seeing dry cracked heels everywhere you look), soothing sun parched lips, preventing stretch marks and just really, truly, deeply moisturizing the skin you're in. today. tomorrow. and on and on.
each 7 oz tub is packed with solid shea butter, which once scooped up, is easily warmed in the palms of your hands, creating a creamy, soft moisturizing deliciousness ready to be soaked up by the skin.
it's non-scented but that is easily remedied by adding a few drops of lavender then mixing the whole concoction with a popsicle stick. easy peasy.
NOW solutions 100% shea butter 7 oz tub is available at whole foods stores nationwide for the mighty moisturizing price of $10.29.
so stop scratchin' and get some.