Wednesday, March 31, 2010
whet your whistle!
- lioco wine
- dry shampoo report
- a beer off - racer 5, ranger and pliny the elder
- leather bag restoration
- a fond remembrance of candy from the 70's
catch you on the flippy, long weekend stylers!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
she she she shines on . . .

Monday, March 29, 2010
back in black

completely wiping out the svelte and stylish factor in one fell swoop and relegatating that particular piece of dark clothing to either sleepwear or grubby, cleaning-out-the-garage wear.
stateside, both woolite and cheer have created special formulations for dark colored fabrics. you can try cheer dark colorguard laundry detergent, whose job it is specifically hold on to those dark dyes and prevent them from migrating to other, nearby pieces of clothing. woolite's entry into this new laundry detergent category is dark laundry fabric wash which promises to "maintain the look of your dark and black clothes" by preventing fading. both brands are available nationwide. across the pond, the UK has persil, with their formula that touts less fading on darker clothes. in france, look for MIR black to handle washing your deepest and darkest.
for those of you on fiscal lockdown, another effective and more DIY way to help "save" your darks from fading:
a. separate dark from light colors prior to washing
b. use cold water each and every time you wash darks
c. add 1 cup of table salt or vinegar to dark colored garments when washing dark items for the very first time (like a virgin!)
so fight the power, fight that powers that fade.
and on that note, we patiently await for the other great laundry innovation of the century: laundry that does itself.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
konichiwa mochi!

a recent trip to cultural food phenom, yogurtland - which can kind of be likened to the fiscally challenged girl's version of pinkberry - brought me to try mochi rice cake pieces.
what in the world are mochi?
mochi are little pieces of rice cake, dusted with a very light sprinkling of fine powdered sugar. the particular ones i am referring to are like little short and stout opaque white cylinders. i had seen a little cup piled high at pinkberry but had absolutely no idea what those little cylinders could be. styrofoam? a gummy bearlike substance or a hard candy? sweet or sour? a japanese version of cap'n crunch? too afraid to look like some topping newbie to my pinkberry swirler, i just ask for the usual double raspberries.
enter yogurtland. yougurtland has at least 12 flavors on tap daily (a taste of today's offerings: dutch chocolate, madagascar vanilla, red velvet cake batter, green tea, creamy strawberry, pistachio, tart, cookies and cream, pomegranate and dulce de leche - there are a few more but memory is cloudy at the time of this writing), not to mention an insane topping bar that covers all the taste groups, chocolate, fruit, cookies, candy bars, chocolate, sprinkles, cheesecake, brownies, chocolate, chocolate sauce, cookie dough bites, mochi, coconut, gummies (worms AND bears), and nerds. not the bespeckled kind, the candy.
and amongst all the mouthwatering toppings, there sat the mochi - giving me a knowing wink from its little lucite bowl and saying slyly, "hey long weekend style. try me. i'm delicious. go ahead. just a spoonful. there you go. the first one is free. you'll be back for more. i know it."
so i tenatively placed a small heaping tablespoon of mochi topped my mini kilamanjaro of pomegranate yogurt and set off to the register to pay.
yogurtland is a pay-by-the-ounce establishment and 30 cents an ounce at that. my little cup of creamy cold goodness gets onto the scale and out pops the price for today's yogurty excursion: $2.10. $2.10 for what appears to be a large pomegranate yogurt topped with mochi rice cake pieces, oreo cookies, chocolate chips and smashed kit kat bar.
my children, bellies full of hunger from an afternoon photo shoot with a friend, eyeball my specially designed yogurt creation, despite having their own gargantuan cups of yogurt goodness of their own choosing sitting right in front of them. my daughter coyly asks to try a mochi. upon seeing his twin sister score one, brother decides he must also partake.
the verdict? now everyone's on board. mochi - a delicious, chewy jelly/gummy goodness that is really more about substance than flavor. the mochi rice cake bits seem to melt in your mouth, probably accounting for some of the novel, fun factor involved in eating them. being more of a neutral flavor, mochi rice cake pieces will probably be a perfect topping compliment to whatever flavor yogurt makes your socks roll up and down.
and long weekend stylers, be warned, mochi rice cake pieces are absolutely addictive.
i am already planning how i can get my hands on that entire lucite bowl of mochi at yogurtland without drawing astonished stares from customers and cashier alike.
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
the nose knows
a). charlie
b). jean nate
c). love's baby soft
d). enjoli - you brought home the bacon AND fried it up in a pan
and for you dashing gentlemen out there:
a). old spice
b). canoe, canoe (remember the ad? "C" - c'mon over, "A" anytime", "N" - now? wink-wink, nudge-nudge)
c). nothing baby - as

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010
ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!

Thursday, March 18, 2010
moss mills

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
obscura day!

Monday, March 15, 2010
good to the last drop

Thursday, March 11, 2010
let's go to surfas now, everybody's goin' to surfas to try some all spice cafe sauce
well long weekend stylers, get your tastebuds out and ready because JD/all spice cafe is packing up the barbeque and heading over to surfas in culver city for a tasty tasting on saturday, march 13th.
and let me tell you firsthand, these tastings are absolutely delish. JD barbeques up a variety of meats, veggies, pasta and even fruits drenched in all spice cafe goodness. everything is a must-try at least once if not twice or even 3 times if you can swing it.
the tasting is absolutely free and gives you a chance to try the different sauce varieties offered as well as the new secret goodies that JD has been cooking up. surfas has all of the all spice cafe sauces which we've already covered in detail as well as rubs and an amazing olive tapenade. all spice cafe products will be available for purchase right then and there should you happen upon something that absolutely rounds out your kitchen repetoire.
details, details, details: saturday, march 13th, 12-3pm, surfas - the chef's paradise, 8777 west washington blvd @ overland, culver city, near the historic helms bakery. introduce yourself to JD and tell him long weekend style sent ya!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
eat me!

drink me!

Sunday, March 7, 2010
ring ring ring around . . .

enter feel good home. they are single handedly redefining the little things.their designs are contemporary yet with a touch of whimsy and and simplistic beauty.
take for instance, this stylized twig ring holder. perfect. exactly what we were looking for. made of a white poly resin with a weighted bottom, this is a ring stand you'll be proud to have on your sinktop or in your boudoir. the twig ring holder is man made yet retains a hand made, natural feel. it features 3 separate branches in varying lengths that can each easily stack several rings - be they delicate or chunky-funky.
Friday, March 5, 2010
zombies and mummies and vampires - oh my!!!

word on the street is that the much beloved fiction category has given birth to a new genre of literature sure to tantalize readers of all ages.
imagine yourself in your local b. dalton, borders or barnes and noble bookstore. now envision the classics you read in high school on one side - emma, pride and prejudice, canterbury tales, hamlet et al. on the other, sci-fi/horror - monsters, zombies, outer space, the unexplained. then somehow, someway, under the cover of night, in some sort of skirmish, those literary classics were tossed together with the zombie/monster/mummy section and from that night of paper passion, sprang this new literary genre. a mash-up. your peanut butter in my chocolate. that sort of thing.
well, what is this new fangled genre of fiction, say you? the titles of said books will probably better explain the genre than any actual explanation we here at long weekend style could assign. so here's a few to whet your whistle:
-pride and prejudice and zombies
-sense and sensibility ans sea monsters
-abe lincoln, vampire hunter
-adventures of huckleberry finn and zombie jim
-android karenina
-robin hood and friar tuck:zombie killers, a canterbury tale
-the undead of oz
-alice in zombieland
-mansfield park and mummies
we could list more but you probably get the picture.
and we just heard that tim burton's next feature film project is . . . wait for it, abe lincoln: vampire hunter. oh, yeah.
who knew our 16th preseident had a night shift job?
oh, a brave new world indeed.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
and the MVP award goes to . . . baby wipes
yes, you read right. baby wipes.
baby wipes ROCK. no bones about it. really. whether they be the thick-as-towels huggies or in bulk from costco, baby wipes are an indespensible part of making everyday life a little cleaner. plus, you can find them just about anywhere. even in a foreign country, because where there's babies, there are baby wipes. and there are babies all over the globe. and they're so darned conveniently packaged these days (baby wipes, not babies themselves) making the transport of baby wipes e-zee peezeee. we only wish there was a giant baby wipe that could have helped in the exxon-valdez oil spill in the '90's.
so to reiterate: baby wipes, not only for baby's wittle bottom but more, so much MORE!
here are a few of the countless ways baby wipes have brightened and cleaned up our day:
- removed all traces of the dreaded dorito or cheeto fingers after bag binge
- wiped off a whole face of make-up in one fell swoop
- got rid of the junk in your trunk (AKA gig butt to you musicians)
- cleaned feet on a flip flop wearin' day
- post workout wipedown, if you forgot your towel
- general face/hand wipedown, especially for the under 5's
- general hand wipedown for the over 5's
- a must bring to rest stop bathroom
- helped soak up that salsa spill that your shirt had for lunch
- wipe off muddy or beachy sand doggy paws
- made history of the bbq sauce that your face and hands are smothered in from those lip smackin' louisana short ribs
- quick clean make-up brushes or paint brushes
- soda spill alert on car's leather seats!
whatever the case or mishap, never fear, baby wipes will be there.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
nail polish goes high tech!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
obscura day - Los Angeles

Monday, March 1, 2010
copenhagen is the new music epicenter

2 tracks that we here at long weekend style are lovin' right now . . .
first up, from the CD, the last resort, comes "moan" from copenhagen artist, trentemoller (nope, not a typo, it's one word. we did check this. it's actually anders trentemoller although we don't have the cute little mark that goes through the "o" making it look waaaaay more international, citizen of the world).
the song gets deep under your skin with a hypnotic synth groove and ambient dreamy vocals by ane trolle:
and if you are feeling especially emotionally resistant today, you can watch the video - a sad ode to laika, the cute little dog the russians sent up into space in '57. it is sad, so be prepared, especially you animal lovers. and it's also little cheesy because, well, you'll see why.
the other track that we're feelin' around the long weekend style office is "the one you left behind" by the also-from-copenhagen duo, asger baden and peter leth who make up the crooked spoke. a dreamy dark, haunting song that has dramatic, drawn out leonard cohen-like vocals. this one really hits it out of the park creating a lazy, woozy atmosphere that you can easily get lost in. have a listen here:
long weekend style, over and out from copenhagen, denmark.